About Us

A Few Words

About Us

HughRose Caring is a voluntary organization, recently established to try and combat the homeless crisis within the Sligo area.

    We are working to get and keep the homeless off the streets and from sleeping rough. We have been working to provide several people with the necessary tools and support to combat their addictions and build their self-confidence. We urgently need to get them a permanent and affordable home. From here the next step would be to provide training (e.g., personal development, technical skills etc.) so that the individuals could return / enter the workforce and gain peace of mind with the security of a home and employment. Thereby becoming fully functioning, contributing members of society.   

    Since we got involved in working with these vulnerable people, we have been dismayed by the numbers of homeless single people contacting us who are desperately seeking accommodation, but we find it impossible to help because of the scarcity of residential property.  It is a major crisis, and we believe it will get worse and needs urgent attention. Like any major crisis there is no quick-fix solution, but we believe our policy can be of major benefit in expediting the supply of affordable permanent homes for single people.





We cannot do this alone

We would very much appreciate if you would be kind enough to help the less well of by financially donating or sponsoring this worthy cause.

A small monthly donation by standing order or a once of donation or sponsorship paid inot our bank account would be greatly appreciated

Donate Now

HughRose Caring

Bank of Ireland,
Stephen Street,

IBAN: IE68BOFI90544075222716

Amazing Volunteers

What Do We Do?

We carry out early morning, midday and late-night checks to find rough sleeps and bring them food.

We help to get the homeless of the street and work with them in helping regain their self-respect and confindence.  We help them to kick their addiction, get a home and realise their greater capabilities.

We seek out suitable employment and work with them and their employer to help them settle into the job by being a self-asset and an asset to their employer.

We stand by them until they are settled and have the confindence to go it alone and then – only being a call away it they feel the need to contact us.

We have taken several people of the streets in Sligo and have been placing them with families.

We also support needy people  in their own homes, helping them fight the burden of rising prices causing financial stress.

We are working to find a suitable residence in Sligo for short-term accommodation – a place where we can take someone to have a shower, a bite to eat and a comfortable bed.  A stop-gate residence until they are standing strong again.

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